X-Factor Food and Pancreatitis – Nikita Now Doing Well!

Greetings all,

Hope my email meets you well.

As per below email history, I would like to share with you, that after the incredible ordeal my Doberman Min. Pin. (that you ALL ended up treating earlier this year), Nikita Rubens, went through over 13 days of undiagnosed pancreatitis (which was eventually diagnosed through an ultrasound done by Cottage Vet in Helderberg), Nikita fully recovered and has never been better and I feel it is my duty to share WHY and HOW with you.

The dry low fat pellet diet never worked:

For some reason, the prescribed low fat pellet diet didn’t help Nikita at all and within less than 2 weeks, she developed urinary incontinence (as I knew she would based on past experience), so I decided to try slightly steamed ostrich meat instead and that ended up with Nikita’s stools being black, runny and greasy so I got on line and started emailing pet food manufacturers in the Western Cape asking for raw diet solutions for dogs prone to pancreatitis.

What DID work:

I received a response from a lovely lady who recommended I try the X-FACTOR 4 DOGS developed by Dr. Anuska Viljoen.

I had never heard of this product and asked her for more information regarding the ingredients which she explained to me was a combination of pork muscle meat, whole rabbit including bone, organs, ground bone, fresh seasonal raw vegetables, fresh seasoned fruits, frill meat, coconut oil, fresh and dry herbs and spices, apple cider vinegar, grape seed extract, himalayan salt, amino acid chelated zinc, manganese sulphate and vitamin E (with ginger, turmeric & cinnamon)? 🤔 I was not sure what to think but she assured me that this food was developed specifically for Pancreas support and I really didn’t have any other feasible options to consider, so I agreed to try a 500g tub….

I was then given the contact details for Greta from Berties Choice (herein copied) so I gave Greta a call: +27 73 057 1633 who just happened to be located right here in the Western Cape and it was certainly the BEST CALL I have ever made on behalf of my Min. Pin. to say the very least….

The food arrived and I started Nikita on it twice a day and within 48 hours her stools returned to 100% normal and she has been eating this food raw (slightly steamed to lukewarm) ever since. I have never been more satisfied with an outcome as I have been with the results provided by this food and I now buy 6 of the 1kg tubs a month and have been giving her this food for the past 3 months now with zero signs of any negative side effects and one very happy, healthy, energetic dog so I just HAD to write and let all the vets that treated by beautiful baby, know about this food since it is my experience that NOTHING beats this diet for pancreatitis prone or recovering dogs should you wish to recommend this to your clients 😃👌

Yours In Service To All,

cheri of the family rubens

Cheri of the family Rubens
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