Picture of Dr Anuska Viljoen

Dr Anuska Viljoen


Billy gets his hair (and his life) back!

Billy Stroh (a 6 yr old neutered male Pomeranian) was rather distressed when he first arrived at the Simply Vets practice six months ago. Depressed, with severe anxiety, he had developed a hair loss condition called Alopecia X (also known as Black Skin Disease). One could mistake him for a Chinese Crested Dog. He had already been to specialists and many general vets for treatment, but Alopecia X is very hard to treat.

With allopathic (conventional) treatment, he initially had some improvement… and then nothing. He was anxious, depressed and eventually didn’t even want to go for walks. He also suffered from hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid), which was getting worse. Billy’s owners were told that there was nothing more that could be done for him, other than managing his thyroid and increasing the thyroid medications as needed.

Through a more natural approach using raw diet, supplements, herbs and homotoxicology, Dr Anuska Viljoen managed to stabilise Billy’s condition. Almost immediately his mood improved. He is no longer depressed and he is a lot calmer. We have also improved his thyroid function and fatty metabolism, so that he no longer has visible fat in his blood stream.

His thyroid medication has been cut by a whopping 75% – and joy of joys, his hair is finally growing back!

Did you know… that Black Skin Disease is linked to an imbalance of different types of hormones in the body. A species appropriate diet such as Simply Pets Raw Food, can help to improve hormone balance in the body. Remember…. cats and dogs are carnivores

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Natural Does Not Equal Safe

Just because something is NATURAL it does not necessarily mean it is SAFE! This is a very dangerous misunderstanding amongst many untrained (however well meaning)

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