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Health Tips

Natural Approach to Cancer

The cause of cancer is multi-factorial, i.e. not owing to a single problem or incident. It is the end result of exposure to many different carcinogens and the body’s inability to defend itself from these carcinogens. It is obvious therefore that there are no single MAGIC BULLETS that will kill off and cure cancer. What […]

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Health Tips

Food as Medicine

Nutrition is a pervasive environmental factor that influences gene expression. Nutrients act as important biological response modifiers at every level of biochemistry and physiology. – (Institute for Functional Medicine) SO LET FOOD BE THY MEDICINE – Hippocrates It is well known that most of the “age’ or degeneration related diseases are closely related to the […]

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Health Tips

What are Antioxidants and why do we need them?

During normal cellular metabolism and function, the body produces unstable oxygen by products known as “oxygen free radicals” in a very similar way to rust forming on exposed oxidising metals. These unstable free radicals attack adjacent molecules and thus cause cellular tissue, membrane and DNA damage, and is responsible for the general ageing process or […]

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