Homeopathy and Raw Diet Clears Boxer Skin Allergy

Zach is a highly pedigreed Boxer from Tanyati boxers in Johannesburg. He comes from a line of champions.

At 6 months old Zach was neutered. Prior to this he had no skin problems at all.

Within 10 days Zach started to erupt in lumps. At first we thought he had eaten something, or had been stung. His first line of treatment was allopathic. He was given antihistamines and cortisone and antibiotics.

After 2 months of repeated courses there was minimal improvement and we heard of and visited Anuska Viljoen in Sedgefield. He was still covered in lumps.

The treatment given can be better detailed by Anuska but it consisted of drops – Pulsatilla homeopathic medicine – Heel Drainage drops and a raw food diet. Although we were warned that the treatment may cause the symptoms to get worse before they got better I must confess I was not prepared for the severity of the hundreds of lumps that appeared. However, we persisted and are very grateful that we did. A biopsy that my husband and I wanted to have done, was performed but turned out not to be necessary as the diagnosis given by Anuska of allergy was confirmed.

Within 2 months the treatment of Pulsatilla was reduced and after a month’s observation was discontinued. The lumps gradually disappeared. The raw food diet is still, and will always be, continued and Zach has the most amazing shiny, lump free coat. He is a picture of health and I will be eternally grateful that we embarked on this treatment.

He has now been lump free for 6 months when writing this letter.

Zach Anastassiades, Plettenberg Bay, Western Cape

Date: November 2008

Male Boxer Born November 2007

EDITOR COMMENT: Jan 2012 – Zach is still doing very well on Raw Diet, 3 1/2 years later. He has one or max two small episodes of allergy a year which require single doses of Pulsatilla to clear.

Zach is an example where Homeopathy,natural medicine and species appropriate, biologic appropriate raw diets for animals will help to treat and control food allergies, and skin allergies in dogs and cats and give them quality of life they did not have before.

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