Raw food has made an enormous difference to our pets

Dear Anuska,

Thank you so much for suggesting that we put our pets on to your raw food, combined with the Nutribiotic supplement. Our pets have never been this healthy, and mealtimes have become an absolute pleasure in this household.

Both our dogs (rescue dogs) used to have significant digestive problems, despite being on expensive dry food before: the big dog used to get stomach-ache and either diarrhea or constipation if there was any stress or disruption of his routine, and then he’d stop eating, which meant that I often had to hand-feed him plain yogurt until he felt better enough to consider food… The terrier also tended to get stomach-ache and go off his food regularly, and from time to time he’d throw up and/or get diarrhea, so we had to be really careful what we fed him. Whenever we went on holiday, the dogs tended to lose a lot of weight, because they ate very little at the kennels. In addition, both of them always had rough coats and dry, itchy skin (supplements made very little difference), and I had to take them regularly to have their anal glands squeezed out.

Now both dogs absolutely love their raw food with Nutribiotic – no more hunger-strikes, stomach-aches, diarrhea, constipation or vomiting. Their coats are soft and shiny, and we’re slowly overcoming the big one’s other skin problems. They enthusiastically chew their raw bones every second day, which means that their anal glands don’t need cleaning any more, and when we returned from a recent holiday, the kennel staff remarked on their healthy appetites – what a pleasure!

As you know, the cats took much longer to get used to the raw food. It was a full six weeks before they accepted it, and during those six weeks we often came very close to giving up, because it’s heart-breaking when you know your beloved cat is very hungry, and yet he turns his back on the food, or tries to bury it as if it is poo… But once the cats got used to the raw food, they started devouring it with great enthusiasm, and were transformed: soft, glossy coats, much more energy, and best of all, no more hairballs!

So, in short: your raw food has made an enormous difference to our pets – thank you!

Warm regards,

Knysna, Western Cape

Hanli and Yvonne
Real Food, Real People, Real Pets, Real Stories

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