Billy gets his hair (and his life) back!
Billy Stroh (a 6 yr old neutered male Pomeranian) was rather distressed when he first arrived at the Simply Vets practice six months ago. Depressed,
Billy Stroh (a 6 yr old neutered male Pomeranian) was rather distressed when he first arrived at the Simply Vets practice six months ago. Depressed,
July 2017 was not a good month for Beast, a 5 year old Dachshund. Only he knows what happened that fateful winter day, when something
Gold beads are implanted into specific acupuncture points, which vary depending on the medical condition and the individual energetics of the animal by a qualified
Just because something is NATURAL it does not necessarily mean it is SAFE! This is a very dangerous misunderstanding amongst many untrained (however well meaning)
Homoeopathy was developed almost 200 years ago, by the patient and detailed observation of symptoms induced by various substances when administered to volunteers! I love
Veterinary Acupuncture was discovered over 3000 years ago. By patient, detailed, meticulous observation of animals and their response to disease over a considerable period, it