Picture of Dr Anuska Viljoen

Dr Anuska Viljoen


Paralysed Dachshund Dog Treatment with Permanent Acupuncture

This young Dachshund was paralyzed from a disc prolapse. After a week it came to Dr. Anuska Viljoen for alternative treatment as conventional treatment had failed to help.

This video shows the complete inability to use the back legs. There was still some deep pain perception present but no superficial pain or proprioceptive reflexes. There are 2 more videos in the series showing the acupuncture treatment and the follow up after permanent acupuncture with gold bead implants where she is walking.

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Natural Does Not Equal Safe

Just because something is NATURAL it does not necessarily mean it is SAFE! This is a very dangerous misunderstanding amongst many untrained (however well meaning)

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