What our Customers Have to Say

Hi Anuska I would like to thank you for all the help that you have given Skye and myself. When he first came to you, he was losing weight and… Read more “Happy Goldie – Happy Mom”

Vicky and Skye

Greetings all, Hope my email meets you well. As per below email history, I would like to share with you, that after the incredible ordeal my Doberman Min. Pin. (that… Read more “X-Factor Food and Pancreatitis – Nikita Now Doing Well!”

Cheri of the family Rubens

Dear Anushka, Cindy and Ernst, Thank-you for being so wonderful to Rei and giving him an extension and quality of life for the last two years. It was so sweet… Read more “Extension and Quality of Life”


Beste Anuska Baie, baie dankie vir jou hulp met Tierkat en Dimitri die afgelope 2 maande. Soos jy weet, was die 14jarige Tierkat op sterwe agv nierversaking na sy ontberinge… Read more “Omvattende homeopatie, rou voedsel, voedingsaanvullings en konvensionele medikasie”


Dr Anuska was my last hope after my 7-year-old feral rescue DSH cat suddenly started having bad coughing fits in winter 2013. After the fits, her breathing would be rapid… Read more “Luna the Cat Saved”

Linda Piegl (aka Pixie)

Bluf, a mastif x boxer, came into our life 8 years ago and was already 4 or 5 years old. We got him from the Animal Welfare in Knysna. A… Read more “Inoperable Melanomas Raw Food and Holistic Treatment Doubled my life-span”

Mancie and Henk Van Wagendonk

Dear Editor, I am so grateful to Dr Anuska Viljoen and her team for helping my Maltese to have a better quality of life, that I would be happy if… Read more “Holistic Treatment of Canine Multiple Organ Failure”

Annet Hattingh

When William, my Golden Retriever was diagnosed with severe hip dysplasia at the age of 7 months, I was informed that he would require a hip replacement operation. After obtaining… Read more “Hip Dysplasia, Acupuncture and Gold Bead Implants”

Jean Andrews

Hi All, This photo is of Anna-Belle who is a celiac and has been largely seizure free bar a few minor turns since we have put her on the raw… Read more “Celiac Jack Russel – Raw Diet controls her Seizures”

Mike Cawood

Zach is a highly pedigreed Boxer from Tanyati boxers in Johannesburg. He comes from a line of champions. At 6 months old Zach was neutered. Prior to this he had… Read more “Homeopathy and Raw Diet Clears Boxer Skin Allergy”


My name is Tallulah. I am a small Siamese cat and I used to live in Pretoria and was an only cat. I then moved to a home in Johannesburg… Read more “Holistic Treatment for Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Cats”

Although I believe in feeding raw food it was not working for my dog Brady until I discovered Simply Pets. He then developed Diabetes and as we were battling to… Read more “Hypothyroid Diabetic Pancreatitis Inflammatory Bowel Disease you name it I had it”

Scotty Valadao

Chronic Inflammatory Bowel sufferer for 6 years before starting Raw: He is now 9 years and much better: Poenie is a new dog – full of energy, with a good appetite!!!!!!… Read more “A Yorkie Chronic Inflammatory Bowel sufferer”


About two weeks ago i changed my yorkie’s diet from a well-known kibble brand to raw food diet…well i am really surprised at how smoothly the change over went…he had… Read more “Pet Owners Pleased with Transition to Raw Diet”


Until 18 months ago, 11 year old Dachsie Zgi Zgee Prinsloo had become pretty miserable.  She couldn’t keep her kibble down, her skin allergies were driving her nuts, and to… Read more “Wet-nose healthy on her RAW diet”


I would just like to say thank you for the amazing service. Jack absolutely loved the transition and we are now a week free from grain products pellets! Can honestly… Read more “Jack Loves RAW”


Dear Anuska, Thank you so much for suggesting that we put our pets on to your raw food, combined with the Nutribiotic supplement. Our pets have never been this healthy,… Read more “Raw food has made an enormous difference to our pets”

Hanli and Yvonne

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